ARES Simplex Net

Most amateurs, whether ARES-RACES members or not, are familiar with VHF/UHF repeater operations. Small power output signals with minimal antennas often allow wide area communications when using repeaters. However, in an emergency or even in a planned event, repeater operation may not be convenient, suitable or even possible. Emergency situations could interrupt repeater operation. All amateurs should be familiar with the technical, procedural and operational use of VHF Simplex channels in such cases. During emergency operations it is quite possible that tactical sub nets will be expanded to simplex channels. This is part of the ARES/RACES operations plan. 

The St Clair County (SCC) ARES Simplex Net is a useful as a training and capabilities awareness tool. Amateur operators can get on-the-air experience and useful feedback regarding their stations signal strength and readability throughout the county. This provides real time feedback to analyze and possibly improve station performance. The net meets following the ARPSC Net on even months. Frequency is SIERRA1 (146.580MHz). 

Those aspiring to be RACES qualified or Net Control Operators are required to show net control proficiency and experience. Contact Riley KE8JNF for a net control opportunity. 

Net Procedure: The Simplex Net will follow immediately the ARPSC Net (on even months) which is on the 146.800 repeater. The NCS of the ARPSC Net will gather pre-checkins for the Simplex Net and pass those to the NCS of the SimplexNet (if different operator). The Simplex Net will then begin on 146.580 with a roll call of pre- checkin operators and will continue following the approved net script.

Hints for Simplex operation : VHF is close to line of sight in county type distances. Get that antenna as high as possible. Use a directional antenna with a rotor if possible. Add an amplifier. Remember, antenna height trumps output power. Listen carefully. Operator skills are very important in weak signal communications. The use of Pro-Words helps to improve the understanding of message information.

Log all nets on the ICS-309