Nets are a formal or informal gathering of radio operators on the ham bands. They can be “open” or “directed”. There are several regularly scheduled Nets that are accessible from St Clair County. If nets are new to you, the following explaination from Bruce N8UT is an excellent overview. We’re also listing and linking some Net Operations and Net Control Station training from EmComm groups across the country. We use these aids in our training programs with full recognition to the producers.

Basic Training on Nets – Bruce N8UT (download it here)

RacesUnit2SCC (download it here)

All Amateur Radio Operators are welcome to join our nets. No membership is required to participate in the nets.

Net Announcments

The ARPSC is the umbrella organization for the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) , the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) and SkyWarn in St Clair County. The group operates under the jurisdiction, direction and authority of the St Clair County Office of Homeland Security/ Emergency Management. Leadership of the ARPSC is determined by the ARES State Management which appoints a leader for the county organization with the title of Emergency Coordinator or EC. The EC, in turn, appoints Assistant Emergency Coordinators to assist in a variety of command and support functions. The ARPSC headquarters is located at St Clair County’s Emergency Operations Center.

Net control and meeting schedules are listed on the calendar

Local Nets below

*All nets except SKYWARN are to be logged on a 309 form*