The St Clair County ARPSC Net meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 7PM on the ALPHA3 repeater (146.720MHz).
The purpose of the net is to give local ARES/RACES members an opportunity to meet their yearly net participation and Net Control requirements. The net will feature announcements regarding ARPSC activities and programs. There are often discussions of current amateur radio events. As in all nets, follow the NCS check-in instructions.
This net will take pre-checkins for the ARES Simplex Net which immediately follows this net (on the designated months, check the schedule). However, any ARES member can request a simplex radio check.
(see Simplex Net info under Nets )
This is also, as are all nets, a source of training for ARES and RACES members.
All Amateur Radio Operators are welcome to join our nets. No membership is required to participate in the nets.
Log all nets on the ICS-309