Emergency Net

In the event that a serious emergency situation develops in St Clair County, an Emergency Net might be required using the ARES/RACES capabilities to pass either Tactical or Record traffic. This could be the result of Severe Weather, Power Outages, large scale Communication Losses or Homeland Security threats. Such situations would initiate Directed Nets on designated amateur radio channels. These nets will follow pre-determined protocols, such as the Emergency Net script listed below. As with all formal nets, announcements will be made on local repeaters, or on established simplex channels as to the types, quantity and qualifications of radio operators needed for the situation.

ARES Leadership and Certified Net Control Stations will generally call up the net at the request of Homeland Security/ Emergency Management officials. Monitor the 147.320 Repeater or 146.580 Simplex for ARES/RACES bulletins during emergency situations.

Directed Nets require that you use proper protocols and follow the instructions of the Net Control Station at all times. Communicate only with the NCS. Avoid side conversations unless directed by NCS. ARES members should review the procedures laid out in the training videos provided under the general NETS heading.

The following net script is for use during emergency activations of St. Clair County ARES.

Log all nets on the ICS-309